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How can you make you own fire for a bubble show?

How can you make you own fire for a bubble show?

The topic of fiery bubbles is very interesting to a lot of people; the most number of questions come from my students during their of soap bubbles show training. Recently we have started the production of professional fiery-froth tubes, I'm going to talk about in this article.
But firstly, I'll touch on the topic of how I and my colleagues used to made fire during the bubble shows before and give you my recommendations on how you can make such kind of props for the bubble show yourself.
Well, what kind of equipment for making fiery bubbles can be used in your show?
Gas Canister

This option is very simple. You go to the store for tourists, hunters and fishermen, buy a gas canister and a gas burner nozzle, which is put on the cylinder (not with a piezo igniter, but regular). In a tourist store, a gas canister costs about 70 rubles, and a nozzle costs about 200 rubles. You cut off the burner from the nozzle and get a little tap as a result. After that, put on the tap onto the cylinder and turn it so that the nozzle would sit tight. It will look more aesthetic if you paint the canister. Below there is a video on DIY props for fire yourself.
What you should do next?
Dip your hand and the tip of the nozzle into the bubble solution, then bring the canister to yourself, slightly open the tap and blow a bubble on your palm. Only now you can use fire.
The main disadvantages of using a gas canister are:
  • It is not very convenient, considering the frequent placement of the canister to your body. Over time, the bottom of the canister gets rusty and, of course, it leaves spots on the artist's costume.
  • It is necessary to properly adjust the gas supply, sometimes it is too slow, sometimes too much gas is released.
  • It is a little dangerous, because it depends on the quality of the nozzle. If the liquefied gas flows onto your hand, you can get burned. This creates a feeling as if something cold is flowing on the hand. In this case you mustn't set the bubble on fire.
  • Making fiery bubbles on other people can also be dangerous.
Spray Can
You can buy a cigarette lighter gas spray can, put a nozzle on it, for example, from a pharmacy aerosol. First, using a good quality solution (How does a good bubble juice work?), inflate a small bubble on the palm of our hand, then let in some additional gas, and ignite.
Here, too, are some drawbacks:
  • Spectators of the bubbles show is absolutely aware of what the artist is doing. This trick will not produce any spectacular effects.
  • Not very convenient.
Gasoline Tube
In a bubble show, you can use a gasoline tube. This kind of tubes are still in our Mini (Props, Mini Kit) and Animator sets (Props, Animator's Set).

These sets go as economy variants, therefore there we do not yet include a fiery-froth tube in them. This would immediately affect the price of these sets.
What is it like?
A gasoline tube is any tube with a diameter of about 3-5 cm, pasted with a film for aesthetic purposes.
How to make a gasoline tube with your own hands?
Inside it there is a gasket, that is, a ring of smaller diameter (about 2 cm) with a cloth on it, preferably one that does not rot. I use fleece. The ring wrapped in fleece is located approximately in the middle of a large tube. You can arrange the ring in the tube using a long tube of smaller diameter.

Then pour a little gasoline for cigarette lighters into the tube; it mustn't drip from there, you can even shake the tube a little. Such kind of gasoline can be purchased at any store selling lighters. Then dip your hand and the tube into the bubble solution, inflate a bubble and you can set it on fire. Due to the fact that the tube contains gasoline vapor, your bubble burns. This is a kind of DIY apparatus for fiery bubbles (Props, Fiery Froth Tube).
Disadvantages of the gasoline tube:
  • Gasoline evaporates rather quickly. Therefore, fiery bubbles can can only be scheduled for the beginning of your show.
  • It is very difficult to understand how much gasoline is needed. It's difficult to measure, because we do not know how dry the gasket inside is. If it is brand new, you will need more gasoline; if it has already been used, then you will need less.
  • Not a very pleasant factor is the smell of gasoline.
I suggest using these three fire options to those bubbles show artists (Shaping the Bubble Show Artist's Image), who want to experiment. I myself used canisters about a year and a half ago, last year my show included a gasoline tube.
I want to warn you that all the experiments that you are going to do with fire are dangerous, you can get burned. Be sure to properly wet your hand before blowing the bubble. If you use these items in your performances, remember that since male spectators you call on stage often have hair on their hands, that can easily catch fire.

The spectator might be a little hurt, the resulting smell will also be unpleasant. This must be understood. In addition, if gas or gasoline suddenly leaks on your hand, you can get into an unpleasant situation. Your assistants (Bubble Artist's Assistant) arm needs to be wet on both sides. Be very careful!
Fiery Froth Tube
I would like to offer you my option, which I now use in my bubbles shows. It's a fiery froth tube.
This is how our fiery froth tube looks in details.
It can produce fiery bubbbles, fiery froth and just froth. I have never burned anyone with it. It is safe, stable, no excess gas flows out, everything is fine with it.
First make a bubble on the palm of your hand with the help of the fiery froth tube.
Then ignite it carefully and get a beautiful fiery bubble.
The video with its demonstration is attached below, so you can learn more about our fire tube. Have more successful experiments, and take care of yourself!
Fiery bubbles is a very important and effective element of the bubbles show.
There are several options you can choose from to make your fiery bubbles yourself.
The first option is a gas canister. It is not very comfortable and a little dangerous.
The second option is a gas spray can for cigarette lighters, also not the most convenient and aesthetic way of making fiery bubbles.
The third option is a gasoline tube, which is still present in our sets for bubble shows. The tube is easy to manufacture.
Before making a fiery bubble, be sure to wet your and your assistants' hands.
Now I use a fiery froth tube in my shows. It is safe and stable in operation.
Props from my store
Props, with which the artist looks decent
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