Contacts for communication

  • The phone number of the order manager.

    +7 915 298‑82‑51 WhatsApp - manager
    +7 915 298‑82‑51 Telegram - manager

    On dealership issues:
    +7 963 992 24 13 - Head of Sales Department Mikhail

    Manager working hours: 8: 00-17:00 Moscow time
  • Questions about the work of employees, criticism and suggestions on our props, concentrate, video courses - Operational director of the company Evgenia
  • Registration for training, consultations on solving problems, questions in person and discussions with Lyudmila

    Please indicate the subject of the letter so that the response will be received more quickly.

I always want to help you with business or advice. But I can't always answer right away! I will definitely give a connection.