I give my photos in exceptional cases only to my students, and only for the first time, since they do not have their own shows. I choose photos that do nor expose my face. I also give them my videos, but definitely not from my concert. These are usually videos from my first gigs. I do it on purpose so that it does not differ much from the shows my newly minted students offer.
It is very bad when people in some other city use photos with me. Especially if there are my students in this city who once used my pictures. Please, don't get me wrong, I advertise throughout Russia. I train people. And out of the blue, in some small town, my photos appear, as if I work there. It is not true. I am generally for the truth to be everywhere. To each according to his deserts, as they say. And if you cannot inflate a
giant bubble yourself, do not use images with it. If you can inflate such a bubble, inflate it yourself and take a picture.