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Overview of ultraviolet bulbs for a bubble show

Overview of ultraviolet bulbs for a bubble show

Before creating a new lamp for ultraviolet bubbles, we had conducted a test-review of ultraviolet bulbs.
There were 2 main criteria for selection: the smallest size and the highest power.
For the test, we took:
    • 60cm 18W Phillips bulb,850 rubles.
    • 60 cm 18W Osram bulb, 850 rubles.
    • 60 cm 18W Foton (China), 180 rubles.
    • 125W, Pear-shaped Sylvania bulb, 1,600 rubles.
    Besides, the list included a 120 cm, 36W bulb, but it was not even tested because it was very big.
    Bullb Selection
    We invited our photographer to objectively see the difference between the lamps. The photographer made one setting for his camera, which he did not change during the shooting. Lighting and the distance to the bubbles also remained unchanged.

    Here are the shots we received:
    Phillips and Osram bulbs showed the same photo frames. Each costs 850 rubles.
    The results of the Phillips and Osram bulbs tests.
    Foton (China) bulb, 180 rubles.
    Results of the Foton China bulb test.
    Pear-shaped Sylvania bulb, 125W, 1,600 rubles.
    Results of the Pear-shaped Sylvania bulb test.
    After the first shots, it became clear that the photos are not able to show the full picture. The photo shows the differences, but in reality, the differences between the lamps are striking. I can say that ultraviolet bubbles shone much brighter from Phillips bulb, we can say 2-3 times brighter than from all the others. This was noticed by all 4 people who attended the test-review.

    The pear-shaped bulb got very hot during the 10 minutes of the test. It was its big flaw.
    Power Supply Selection
    The choice of power sources was questionable. According to knowledgeable people, more expensive power supplies gave more glow to the ultraviolet. This fact also had to be checked. The test included 2 power sources:
    The test included 2 power sources:
    • 1x24W, Vossloh schwabe, Europe, 700 rubles.
    • 1x30W, Feron, China, 200 rubles.
    Now on the issue of choosing a power source. We connected different power sources to the bulbs, but no visible difference was found. Later we turned to the supplier for explanations. This time we were told that different power sources have different life spans. China-made ones work continuously for a year, and German-made – for years. Although for the first time the conversation was about the brightness of the glow.

    During the tests, we realized that in our lamps we would always use expensive lamps from European manufacturers. We recommend the same for our customers.
    There are 2 criteria for choosing a bulb for a UV lamp: the smallest size and the highest power.
    The best results were displayed by Phillips and Osram bulbs. The ultraviolet bubbles produced with their light were the brightest.
    Pear-shaped bulb gets very hot.
    Power sources differ in their service lives.
    For our lamps, we decided to use expensive bulbs from European manufacturers.
    Props from my store
    Props, with which the artist looks decent
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