Set “Mini” is formed in order to save your budget when buying props and equipment for bubble show and includes 12 items. Equipment for the show of soap bubbles and includes 12 items.
This mini - set will be a great choice for animators who want to add to their program elements of the show with soap bubbles.
Program elements of the show with soap bubbles. It is perfect for smallevents and working with children.
Perform racket tricks, create giant bubbles, make it rain bubbles. bubbles
Show a spectacular trick “Immersing a man in a soap bubble”
Playground Amenities:
The set includes a 1 5 x 2 meter mat, a bowl for dipping the racquets in the solution without a table, it can be placed on the floor, or on the customer's table.
A carrying case is included for easy transportation of the Man in a Bubble set. Also in This case you can transport rackets and other oversized props.
Solution Preparation:
You can easily prepare the solution for the show: the kit includes concentrate, polymer and soapy base.
As a gift, you will receive 20 video lessons demonstrating the elements and tricks of a soap bubble show bubbles, which can be mastered with the props included in the kit, namely: