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How to choose a floor covering for a bubble show?

How to choose a floor covering for a bubble show?

Today I'm once again sharing my experience with the bubble show beginner artists.

Earlier, I told you that the success of your performance depends on the quality equipment for a bubble show and the right detergent. Today, I want to tell you about what you should put on the floor at the bubble show venue.
A quality bubble show is an unforgettable sight, which is pleasant to watch by both children and adults. Soap bubbles attract everyone. And here they are, our iridescent bubbles circling in the air, they burst, and soapy sprays scatter to the sides and fall to the floor. Bubble after bubble, the amount of liquid on the floor increases, which can create quite a dangerous spot for the artist and the participants of the bubble show. Both you and your viewers can slip and fall.
In addition, you do know that children (Scripts For Children's Bubble Shows) at the time of the performance can chase the escaping bubbles. The adults (Bubble Shows for Adult Parties and Celebrations) too, especially the tipsy ones, are not very different from children. Therefore, the venue must be protected with a proper covering. This will not only ensure the safety of you and your viewers, but will also give an aesthetic look to the venue of the bubble show.

So, the covering for your bubble show. It is also a kind of props. What should it be? What should you pay attention to?
A good artist demands the following:
    • The surface of the covering must not be slippery. Doing your bubble show, you should enjoy the process, without thoughts about an accidental fall.
    • The surface of the covering must be waterproof. After the end of the performance, the venue should remain as dry as it was before. Therefore, the covering should not allow moisture to pass through.
    • Practicality of the covering. It should be convenient for rolling / unrolling. The practicality of the covering means the convenience of its transportation to your shows.
    • Choose a covering made of high-quality and durable material, so that it serves you for hundreds of performances.
    • The covering should look attractive, so that it would be nice to work on it, and be almost invisible for the audience.
    Thus, proceeding from all the above requirements, we can say that such coverings as an oilcloth or a film are NOT suitable because they are slippery. And in terms of aesthetics are not impressive.

    Bathroom mats are also not a suitable option, because they soak moisture. And unaesthetic. Therefore, the most optimal covering is a synthetic carpet. Among the variety of coverings for a bubble show, a rubber-based carpet is ideal. Its advantages include:
    • It does not get wet through
    • It has a non-skid surface
    • It comes in a variety of colors
    Covering dimensions
      As for the size of the carpet, the optimal size for a bubble show is t least 2 m X 3 m, and preferably 3 X 4. If the covering is made of 2 pieces, then it is more convenient to carry and dry, but during the performance you can trip over the joint between the pieces, so choose yourself.
      Honestly, the carpet is heavy due to the rubber base. Especially, if it is wet after 3-4 shows. But there is no better covering available. It does not get wet through and has an even aesthetically-looking surface.
      My little secrets:
        Think about where you can dry up your carpet. After one show, the carpet absorbs about 2 liters of detergent. Drying is more effective if the carpet is hung, but if this is not possible, then just spread it on the floor, let it lie and dry up. From my experience, in the summer time your carpet can be dried up on any fence in a crowded place, there is no risk that it will be stolen, no one needs a soapy carpet)))) When I started doing my shows, I did it every time. Now, of course, there is a small warehouse where the props and the carpet are kept.

        If you have to perform in a room with a non-removable floor covering, you need to think about how to protect it. You can't do without a film that is slightly larger than your carpet. Position the film under your carpet. When you are invited to perform in an apartment, find out in advance about the type of the floor there.
        In this photo, you can see the carpet and the film under it, to make sure that everything remains dry and safe.
        If you have an assistant (Bubble Artist's Assistant), then he or she should have a dry towel for the floor, or better still, a small light plastic mop. After the show, he or she could quickly wipe the remnants of the detergent off the floor. An artist washing floors is not a pretty sight)))) Leave it to your assistant. This act will be appreciated by the client. You'll see.
        Safety during the photo shoot inside a soap bubble
        When performing at a kindergarten or school, be attentive to children. During a photo shoot inside a soap bubble (Props, Human Inside Bubble Set) engage the teachers. Let one of them prepare children and pass them on to you; the second one is to receive them. The photo shoot inside a soap bubble is held after the show, so the carpet is slippery. Place a towel on the way out from the carpet, make the children wipe their feet.
        A Hoop and a tray for the Man inside Bubble Act
        Observe the safety measures when organizing bubble shows. Protect yourself and your viewers from accidents during the performance. Create a good impression of yourself, so that your clients are happy to see you again and again.
        Covering on the floor is an important prop for a bubble show.
        The surface of the covering should not be slippery and let water pass through. It should have an attractive decent appearance.
        An oilcloth, a film and a bath mat are not suitable for this purpose. The best option is a carpet with a rubber base.
        Carpet does not get wet through, it has an even aesthetic surface, but is heavy due to the rubber base.
        You need to think in advance about where your carpet will dry up.
        It is necessary to have an additional towel for a photo shoot, which can be put on the floor or an extra rug.
        Props from my store
        Props, with which the artist looks decent
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