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Bubbles 8 years:
our company history

Bubble 8 years:
our company history

Part two. There cannot be too many bubblists

We present you the second part of the article!
After a short period of time, when kindergartens and schools in the city of Omsk were covered by our show, we decided to go on tour to Novosibirsk. Alexey's parents live in the Novosibirsk region, so we decided to combine business with pleasure.

Kindergartens and schools of Novosibirsk met us with open arms and instead of two weeks, we spent three weeks there, which were filled with shows.
"Three weeks – 49 events. These were hellish three weeks. We were helped my brother in Novosibirsk. We got up at 6:30 in the morning to start an event at 9:30 in some suburb of Novosibirsk or through wild traffic jams we made our way to the center, where there is no place to park. We gave bubble shows, photographed all the children. Then we went to another kindergarten, did the same there. Until the morning we processed the photos and sent them to online printing. Went to bed exhausted. We got up at 6 to start a new circle."
Aleksey Darin
The demand for the soap bubbles shows and, apparently, my burning eyes prompted Alexei's brother to think about his own business in this area. That's how the first branch of our company was set up in the city of Novosibirsk. Another set of props was assembled nd things went on and on.

Sometime later we got a call from Kazakhstan; the man asked us to teach him the craft of bubble making. Alexey replied that we would gladly do it. So our first student, Temirtas, from Ekibastuz came to us. I admit, I conducted the training with trembling hands. My student knew that I had been blowing bubbles for not so long – for a year at that time, but that did not bother him at all. We trained him, provided with a set of equipment. And so the idea emerged that we could teach people to blow bubbles.
"For 4 days we taught him everything we knew ourselves. Gave a prop. They taught to prepare solutions and perform on stage with a show of bubbles. They told how we sell events on the show of bubbles in Omsk, taught us how to talk with customers."
Alexey Darin
Of course, the training that was offered for Temirtas was significantly different from the trainings I do now. The most precious thing in a bubble show is experience. It is experience that gives rise to certain knowledge, a certain understanding. Now I already understand that not every person who works with bubbles can teach another person to work with them.
We created a website and started to offer franchising opportunities: a website, training of artist to show soap bubbles and a package of equipment. After some time, we realized that we want, in addition to Novosibirsk, to connect other cities to our branch network. And we did it, the network grew, new cities were connected to us. The company grew, developed and got stronger.
Our development was very organic and consistent. Alexey actively promoted us, word-of-mouth radio worked perfectly and we were very popular.
Then there was a significant event in the history of our company – a concert. It changed a lot in our lives. We , like all the bubblists, watched Fan Yang's videos, watched his activities and dreamed to do something big, scenic and beautiful! And we finally got to it
"We created a great show: an unreal amount of light, lasers, generators of all sorts of effects. There were around 20 professional soap bubbles generators. Two video screen, live video streams. The total rental of the equipment for one concert was about 200 thousand rubles. Full concert staging. Multiple rehearsals. A new equipment was created for the show: hefty tables, trays, wands, platforms."
Alexey Darin
After the concert, we obtained decent photos, a beautiful video footages, thanks from numerous viewers, the experience of holding major events and a certain fame.
After the concert the props changed, our approach to the business did too as well as our approach to the picture. Gone were the incomprehensible colorful plastic wands and other cheap props. It all happened during the concert. I realized that my show must be held on a different level. We stepped over some unprofessional gaps in the show, and went on.
Tilda Publishing
I separated from the brand company that was selling franchising, and went headlong into creative activity. I wanted a more chamber-like story, a more human approach. I wanted to teach myself, not to deal with hired instructors. I wanted to work with artists one-on-one, share my experience with them. At the same time, I had not been involved in bubble shows for a whole year before that event, but this will be another story.
To be continued….
Props from my store
Props, with which the artist looks decent
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