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Bubbles 8 years:
our company history

Bubbles 8 years:
our company history

Part Four. Moscow

Meet the final part of the article!

If I had been asked before, in which city I wanted to live? I would name any city in the world but Moscow – I did not like this city and did not want to move here! But, as they say, never say never, and now Moscow is our home.
Immediately after the New Year's Day of 2018, on January 2, we left Omsk and our new life began. I still don't feel any longing for Omsk: I don't feel like walking along its streets. Of course, I miss my friends, people that were close to me and especially my mummy! I am not nostalgic for the rest.
When we left, there was no worries about work at all, I didn't think about it and didn't worry. The only thing that worried me was that my mother stayed in Omsk and, at that time, my daughter Nastya, who had to complete her school year. In my opinion, we did the right thing, that we didn't leave immediately, cutting off loose ends, but with a certain "trial period". We planned to take a closer look for a half year, understand how life would be in the capital and, if all was well, make the final decision and transfer my daughter to a Moscow school. So it happened!
Perhaps Alexey was worried about the production in Omsk, but I didn't worry about that either. Our production employs people we can trust, and, as a last resort, there are students and my mother who can take control and help us. The production is looked after, don't worry!
We drove from Omsk and were in the capital on January 5. We stayed in a hotel and very quickly, literally, within 5 days, we rented a beautiful comfortable house in the Moscow region, where we still live. During the first month, somewhere around mid-February, we were settling down, enjoying the changes in our lives and did not think about work. I was engaged doing the housework, cooking and other everyday chores. There were some bookings, the work appeared somehow by itself. The first students arrived. I received job offers in Moscow when I was still living in Omsk. The process was underway, and changes in business fit organically into our new life.
Then there was an important performance for us at the event held by Sergei Zhukov. On the one hand, it was accidental, we submitted an application and they approved us, but on the other hand, it was absolutely deserved, because they approved us, unequivocally, thanks to our status, our achievements and a good portfolio.
Now I work a lot at private events that I'm not talking about. These are private events, in many cases, public people. This work is interesting to me and for me it does not matter that I cannot boast of photographs from such events. My professional level is such that I do not need to constantly prove that I really deserve what I have achieved. Moreover, I have enough bookings, I have a lot of interesting work that I love.
Another vivid, memorable event of our life in the capital was taking part in the popular TV shows – "Fashion Sentence" and "One hundred to one". Did I worry? Yes, I experienced some anxiety. But performing on big stage is more exciting for me than the performance in front of the TV cameras, perhaps because I had had some experience working on television while I was in school. I am not afraid of cameras, I do not feel discomfort when I act or speak to the camera. Yes, and when performing before a larger number of viewers I do not feel shy, although there are some people, close relatives and students I feel awkward performing to. This is the hardest thing for me! Of all close people at the shootings only Alexey, my daughter and members of the team were present, but this is my usual working atmosphere. But, if my mother and uncles and aunts came, then yes, I would feel anxious! Surrounded by cameras and public people, I feel well and comfortable.
After the move, the number of full-time students who come to me for individual training has increased, yet it's easier to get to Moscow. But, at the same time, we have reduced the number of mobile workshops in other cities, perhaps this is the reason.
Our plans for the future are to work, learn, improve for the joy of ourselves, the audience and students. Now we are actively preparing for a workshop, which is dedicated to the 8th anniversary of our company. We are working on the creation of the Arista concentrate Although its development was delayed, we believe that the result will be excellent. We've been also working hard on the creation of our new smoke machine. We processed huge amounts of information, selected options, modeled – in the end, we are very happy with the result. We hope that Arista will bring the same positive effect and will be useful for the bubble show artists. There are some plans in Europe, but this is still a secret. Also a new costume is being sawn.
In general, moving to Moscow is a contrasting, very brave change of environment, an attempt to change our life and we have succeeded! I don't want to sum everything up yet, because everything is ahead, everything is just beginning!
Props from my store
Props, with which the artist looks decent
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