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What is a Bubble-Maker?

What is a Bubble-Maker?

A bubble-maker is a circular bubble show wand with rods ending in small rings on the entire circumference. Or it might be a wand composed of separate rings.
Bubble-maker (Props, Small Bubble-Maker) has a lot of other names, the most popular are a "little sun" and a "curly wand" for a bubble show. The main purpose of this wand is to produce a shower of bubbles with a wave of a hand.
I use this bubble-maker.
This one allows the artist to fill the stage with multiple soap bubbles. For every bubble artist it is a must.
The winding absorbs more of the soap detergent, so there will be plenty of bubbles.
About how the notches of a bubble-maker help cope with drafts and air conditioners read in this article - The Bubbles' Enemies. Draughts, Air Conditioners and Lows.
Bubble-Maker for Performances
In my earlier shows I used two kinds of bubble-makers. The first is the bubble-maker by Gazillion. It is of plastic, with a diameter of 22 cm. This bubble-maker can make 2-3 cm bubbles. The second bubble-maker (Props, Large Bubble-Maker) — is a custom-made wand of our own production, which has the external diameter of 45 cm, and the inner diameter of about 25-30 cm. With its help, I make bubbles with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Now all my bubble-makers are made of metal. A pair of 30cm bubble-makers, and the 45 cm bubble-maker.
I have 2 Gazillion bubble makers in my hands, diameter 22 cm.
And this is my giant bubble-maker, I use it only for big shows.
The photos of my price list. The bubble-maker with a diameter of 45 cm, steel, winding made of synthetic material, corrosion-resistant coating.
Which manufacturer of bubble-makers is better?

The wands of our production are made of metal with anti-corrosion treatment. The ringlets are wound in synthetic material that does not rot, smell and is hard to taint.
Manufacturer: Gazillion
One of the best producers of bubble-makers is Gazillion. The wands are cast in China for a customer in Canada. I have already mentioned that they make bubble-makers of 22 cm in diameter. Previously, they produced large bubble-makers with a diameter of 30 cm. It was a good item and the bubble artists were satisfied working with it. Now the model has been out of production for a long time. Therefore, it is very difficult to get; some artists manage to find and buy it in some miraculous way from the old supplies. Gazillion produces strong bubble-makers; they last long enough. In my arsenal there is such a wand that I bought more than 4 years ago, and it still looks great, nothing has happened to it, and I'm happy to use it.
For this review the photos are taken from the Internet.
Bubble-makers blue 30 cm Gazillion
Bubble-makers red 22 cm Gazillion
Chinese Copies of Bubble-Makes
Chinese production of bubble-makers without Gazillion name on them. They are somewhat similar, because they are a smaller copy of the big wand with a diameter of 30 cm. The Chinese make such wands in 20 cm. They are sold in a set of 3 – 20 cm, 7cm and 3cm wands, more often of green plastic. I can't say anything bad about these wands, they are fit for work. Their only negative side is the quality of plastic. It is more brittle, hence the low price. Well, you see, they look not so attractive.
Chinese bubble-makers 30 cm
Production: Germany
Bubble-maker by German manufacturer Pastefix. Yes, it allows you to blow a lot of bubbles. But it is very difficult to blow large bubbles from the inner diameter of the wand. The manufacturers focus their attention on the fact that the material of the wand is flexible, which allows you to play with the wand – to bend it making figure of eight.
Bubble-makers of the German manufacturer Pastefix
Bubble-maker is very flexible
But, unfortunately, this is the only hinders and creates difficulties in blowing bubbles. The wand is unstable and does not do the fine work, such as blow-ins.
Also, the manufacturer claims that it is difficult to break, if this is not done on purpose. I had such a wand and it broke in half. I haven't used those bubble-makers since.
Russian manufacturer Raduga (Rainbow)
They produce bubble-makers with a flourish and a curved short handle; the plastic quality is not the best. I even do not dare to call these wands bubble-makers. They are uncomfortable to work with and they blow fewer bubbles. There are similar Chinese wands with a small number of external rings. If you try, you can find them in children's stores, they cost about 200 rubles. You can try them out, but I do not really like them. The quality of plastic and the quantity of rings are insufficient. You can count on my fingers how many shows they will endure.
Bubble-makers of the Russian manufacturer Rainbow
These wands are used by Chinese to form a big bubble-making structure when they combine 4-5 wands and attach a telescopic handle. You could buy one at Tao Bao. A colleague of mine from Irkutsk ordered 2 from China, he sent one to us, we looked at it, put it to the warehouse. We have not used it.
Wand with hearts and squares around the edges
There is a kind of bubble-maker that has rings at the edges in the form of hearts and squares. Kind of amateur type, it is not worth buying, because the cost of it is high, and it blows few bubbles. Because there are not many holes, the holes are far from round and the notches are not not deep enough.
Tube with holes and sticks
There are also tube-shaped bubble-makers with drilled holes and inserted rods from conventional bottles of soap bubbles.

Let's see the table of the manufacturers and make conclusions:
How to choose a quality bubble-maker?
    • 1
      I choose metal bubble-makers, we've come a long way – and it worked.
    • 2
      The plastic used to make high-quality bubble-makers is hard. When trying to break off a ring, the plastic will turn white, but won't break off and burst.
    • 3
      The notches in productive bubble-maker are deep; due to the depth of rings' notches the wand can absorb liquid soap which then turn into bubbles.
    • 4
      Good quality bubble-maker is molded; it does not consist of separate parts, and the rings won't break off.
    • 5
      The effective bubble-maker produces a lot of bubbles. It depends on the notches, the number of rings, the plastic quality, the quality of the bubble juice. If your detergent is not universal, like the one I have, such a wand can work with the detergent you use for tricks.
    Our own production of bubble-makers
    Yes, there are independent bubble-maker producers. The use both metal and plastic for the process. We have long tried to make bubble-makers from various materials. At this point, by a method of testing, we settled on the items, which are available in the price list. Our bubble-makers are strong, do not break, and will blow the same amount of bubbles as the factory-made ones.

    We have long tried to make an exact copy of Gazillion wands; we even went to China. But my journey for such rackets in China, too, did not bring any results. Firstly, the Chinese are not very keen in terms of the bubble shows. Therefore, they only produce cheap toys from bad quality plastic. And secondly, any mold for such wands involves an investment of 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. And this is only the mold. And besides, Chinese demand the order from 20-50 thousand pieces. That is a lot, even with the prices 2-3 times lower than ours.
    Negotiations with Chinese toy manufacturers.
    Browsing plastic products from the warehouse. What we find, we take for free, unpack and see what's inside. In the photo, our interpreter Olga and the Chinese manager.
    Wholesale warehouse. There were no bubble show wands at all. We searched 5 of such warehouses. pieces. None of our props were there.
    In such circumstances, the Chinese produce everything that we use.
    Finished goods and raw materials of a Chinese factory.
    Bubble-maker is a wand for bubble shows that creates a shower of fine bubbles.
    We produce high quality and durable metal bubble-makers.
    Bubble-makers by Chinese manufacturer Gazillion are excellent and long lasting.
    Chinese copies of Gazillion wands are smaller, more brittle, worse in design. They, too, can do the work
    Bubble-makers by German manufacturer Pastefix blow a lot of bubbles, but they make it difficult to blow and work with large bubbles. The flexible design of wands hampers the work.
    Russian Raduga's bubble-makers are of poor quality and unsuitable for shows.
    Wands with hearts and squares blow few bubbles, are not worth having.
    The complexity of independent production of bubble-makers is in the fact that they must be strong, nicely looking and blow the same quantity of fine bubbles as the factory-made ones do.
    A quality bubble-maker is cast of hard plastic, solid with deep notches.
    I recommend purchasing bubble-makers by Gazillion or manufactured by us. Working with them is a pleasure; no inconveniences and troubles whatsoever.

    Each bubble show artist must have such a wand in his/her arsenal. Any bubble-maker can be described as a technically complex product. It's a wonderful wand!!
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    Props from my store
    Props, with which the artist looks decent
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