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Bubbles 8 years:
our company history

Bubble 8 years:
our company history

Part Three. Lyudmila Darina Brand

We are presenting you the third part of the article!
So, I got separated from the brand company that was selling franchising, and the development of what we have now began – the Ludmila Darina brand, a new line of props.

The concert gave us a twofold result. We gathered audience for the first concert with a bang, the house was packed, the audience was delighted. But we couldn't do the same for the second concert, so there were quite serious financial difficulties, since a loan was taken to prepare for the concert.

We unsuccessfully chose the time of the second concert – May 25, the school proms period. At this particular time it is difficult to gather an audience, but at that time we were hot and fearless, and we thought that this would not affect us. We did not save on advertising , on effects, on lighting equipment. Everyone learns the hard way.

Tilda Publishing
Over time, I began to realize that people arrive not just to learn how to blow bubbles, but they are going to learn from me. Of course, it was insanely pleasant and flattering. But I began to understand that the responsibility on my part was completely different. I realized that I was responsible for the people I had taught, for their development and movement in the genre, for the information that I shared.
The next important moment in the history of our company is, of course, a record. This is a big recognition in our environment, great popularity. As for customers, in my city at that time they were not particularly increased, they began to call more often from other cities. Most importantly, I began to feel completely different.
I must give Alexey, my husband, most of the credit. He tirelessly told me that I could, that I would succeed, that I am a good artist.

There was a long process of preparation. For about a year, we thought about how to set a record. To begin with, we set a simpler record – the the tallest bubble.

Tilda Publishing
We reviewed all previous records and saw that the designs for all record holders were made of straight parts and have the shape of a rectangle. It seemed strange to us, because the bubble is round in its nature. So we decided to take a risk and for the first time in the history of bubbles make a round 10 meter hoop.
At first it was assumed that the design would be a circle consisting of a set of straight sections. But one of our contractors undertook to make rounded sections for the hoop. After everything turned out, it was decided to make a completely round tray from a multiple rounded sections. This technology is complex, we couldn't do it without modern electronics and lasers.

The design was ready. But during the rehearsal at the first lift the hoop broke. Of course, we were upset, and we had to start everything all over again. After 2 weeks, we received a new design, it suited us fine.
Then the bubble refused to stand. We made the detergent, poured it out, made it again. We were desperate: there was even a period 5 days before the record when we were ready to give up on this undertaking. But everyone else was waiting for the record, and we put ourselves together. The first bubble, which could stand for a sufficient amount of time, turned out one day prior to the record.

They were worried about how the bubble would behave the next day. In the end, as you know, everything turned out well!
The record was, of course, a big responsibility, a great deal of stress, but it was a dream! A dream that has come true and after it was achieved, you can dream new dreams and confidently move towards their realization.

The record gave us a certain charge for further confident development: completion of props, improvement of equipment and so on. We got charged and realized that we would continue to become better, better and better! In fact, we did it!
And then there was a move. Alexey had long felt that there was not enough room for our company in Omsk, that we had grown out of this city and it's time for us to move on. In addition, I very often received offers to perform in Moscow, but it would not be expedient to agree, since it was difficult to get there with all the props. And I had to refuse.

The impetus for the move were personal circumstances in our family. This was a serious milestone of our company, which provided an opportunity for a complete restructuring and for new opportunities , the results of which we will see in the near future.
To be continued….
Props from my store
Props, with which the artist looks decent
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