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How to wrap up a bubble show?

How to wrap up a bubble show?

Most often, the questions on this topic arise in relation to children's shows, but I would like to tell you about adult events too.
Bubble show for adults
Let's start with adult's shows. The blog has a separate article about the script for adult's events. Here, I will tell about it in brief with the focus on the final part.

The show of bubbles begins directly from your number. After, you have to bow so that the audience applauds and realizes that one part of the program is over. Then you call the heroes of the occasion, for example, the hero of the day or the newlyweds onto the stage and do your interactive part with them. Then goes a master class with photo shoot inside a soap bubble. Then you let them go and ask the audience to applaud them. After that you place everyone who volunteers inside the bubble. At this time, a part of the guests begins to disperse: for a smoke, restroom, etc.

There'll be no logical completion of the show – applause for you – no way. At the end, you ask if everyone has been inside the bubble. If so, you say goodbye to the audience. You have already received your share of applause for the number. The audience thanked you and said goodbye to you.
Bubble show for kids
Now we are getting to the children's bubble show. In this case complete the program the same way as for adult's shows. After the number, bow, the audience will applaud, and then conduct your interactive part. There are some nuances though, let's sort them out.

If there are a lot of children, for example, and you act in a kindergarten, then the role of a helper is very important. He/she is your main support, he/she ensures that children do not knock you down.
If you know that there will be a lot of uncontrolled children at the event, take with you one more assistant, let him/her help you organize the children, especially during the Human inside Bubble act. You roughly assume that there will be many children who will be without any control.

Well, I will soon have an event, a wedding, they want to gather children in a separate room so that I can do a bubble show for them. This also happens. It is obvious that these children will be sent to the hall, where they will be without parents. I'll have to take an extra assistant with me, because I'll have to make sure that nothing is broken and nobody is hurt, which is the most important thing.
You have to be able to catch your applause. After your number say that your performance is over, bow, you will get your round of applause. You can then say: "But I don't say goodbye to you yet." If there is a birthday boy/girl, do a master class with him/her and then place him/her inside the bubble. If not, go straight to the latter. Invite the kids to join in a soap bubble. Then tell the parents or teachers: "When all the children have been in the bubble, you can fetch them." That's all.
Human inside Bubble Set
If you have any questions on this topic, please comment directly below the article and we will continue to figure everything out.
After your bubble show is over, you should bow to the audience so that they applaud you. Then goes a master class and the placement inside the soap bubble.
At children's parties, it is desirable that you have an assistant, especially for Human inside Bubble act.
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