There are three options here. The first is that your solution does not work. The second is that you have new rackets that have not yet been soaked in the solution. The third is that your technique is not good enough. What needs to be done. Wash your hands well, wet them in the solution, make a triangle with your hands and blow into it, or inflate a bubble on your hand. If you succeeded, take a racket, immerse it in the solution and try to inflate a few bubbles, see how they work. Then we make a conclusion.
I should point out that new performers of the soap bubble shows have the problem with technique in 95% of cases. If you are an experienced performer, then you could get used to your solution and to certain features of performing with it. In this case, you need to try again. Try to perform more quickly, more slowly, more smoothly, more sharply. If the tests did not lead to a positive result, the solution does not work.
Also, for those who claim that the concentrate on Arista does not work, we recommend taking the following steps:
dilute the concentrate with Agusha water,
wash all the props that are used in the performance properly.
try again.
If it doesn't work out again, then you can attend an online meeting with Lyudmila, which we periodically hold. You can sign up for a meeting about working with Arista concentrate by messaging on our social networks @darinashow.