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The Memo for those coming to Moscow for training

The Memo for those coming to Moscow for training

This article is for those who are going to visit me to learn how to make soap bubbles. I always welcome my guests. Please, try to fulfill all the points of this article. Then, everything will work for you just fine.

I want to clarify that I am a creative person and do not like noisy cities, therefore, I live and teach in the Moscow region. A reference point for you will be Noginsk district, New Kupavna.
Apartment or hotel?
It is very important to choose a place where you will live. This must be done in advance, so that we would not then run and search for a place to live on the day of your arrival. I must say that I did not find any hostels in Balashikha or Staraya Kupavna. If you find any, let me know.

You can stay in a rented apartment. Apartments for rent are a good option, quiet places where you can relax. Especially if you arrive with a company, it is a good idea. An apartment for rent in Balashikha is from 1,500 rubles. It's easy to find one. I advise you to look for an apartment at Avito and
You can also live in a hotel. An average hotel costs 1,500-3,500 rubles per night. You can choose a hotel where breakfast will be included. This is convenient, but see, of course, it's for you to decide.
In any case, if you need me to pick you up from your place of residence – we need to coordinate it. Or you can get by public transport: to the Novokosino metro station and then on the shuttle bus 1167 or 1209 to the stop called Novaya Kupavna. NOTE: "Novaya Kupavna" only, since there 3 more of Kupavnas.
When to come?
It is very important to agree on the date of your arrival. It's better to consult with me. I mean, I am also a living person, I may have some business to do, I might be away, or some other people can come to my classes. Some problems may occur. Most conveniently, if your train, plane or car arrives in the evening, then you will be able to rest at night and start training in the morning with a fresh head, the information will be assimilated much better, and it will be much easier for you.
Funny guys from Astana came
How long will it take to stay in Moscow?
You will have a stay in Moscow for 3 full days. Not 2 and a half, not 2, not 7, but 3 full days. Remember that traveling around Moscow and the region in any direction takes a long time. There is no Metro station in Balashikha. There should be enough time to travel around.
What to take?
You need to take some comfortable clothes with you. For girls – shoes without heels, because it will be hard to practice in high heels all day; you will stand almost all the time – bubbles are made by people standing. Bring some sneakers, sandals. Also, take clothes for training sessions – the ones that can be sprayed with liquid. You need to have a flash drive on with you can store all the necessary information. Take a notepad and a pen. Do not forget your good mood with you too.
Prepare a list of questions
Another tip – make in advance a list of questions that you might have before you come. Also, every evening, when you come after classes, write down new questions. Of course, you may have questions after you leave, but it is better to ask everything on the spot, especially those related to the bubble-making technique. I can show you everything with using examples. Regarding costumes, too, it is much easier to ask questions in person, because together we will be able to see variants of costumes on the Internet, we will be able to evaluate and discuss everything. I think that it would be better.
If you have read this article, then most likely you will come to see me soon, so – see you soon!
For your convenience, I post a list of places where you can stop when you come for practice. I offer some options for different price categories. The listed accommodation is located near the place of training, which will allow me to pick you up there.
Select your accommodation in advance. There are some options: rented apartments or hotels.
It is better to coordinate with me in which area of the city you will live, so as not to waste time in traffic jams.
Agree with me in advance the date of your arrival.
Be ready to stay in Moscow for 3 full days.
Take comfortable clothes and shoes with you, a flash drive for information.
Write a list of questions so that I can explain everything to you on the spot.
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